Category: Edible Walks
Edible Walks form a specific part of the Edible Map project where the drawn map is complimented by a series of walks through the imaginary landscape of an “edible city”. These are wonderful moments for me where are get to spend time with residents and locals and explore their city through a two hour walk, were we can explore the idea of the urban edible landscape. They run only with the support of am institution, usually as part of a residency, largely because they are time consuming to organise and run.
Example walks 2010-2020:
2010: Hackney, East London, supported by Space Gallery.
2011: Hackney, East London, supported by Space Gallery.
2015: Central Newcastle, supported by Newbridge Gallery.
2015: Peterborough, support by The Green Backyard, and Metal Peterborough.
2019: Shieldfield, Newcastle, supported by Shieldfield Art Works.
The map gallery features a selection of images, some high resolution, of maps, and other art work associated with the walks and events. if you copy and image…
From the 16th-23rd of May 2015 I exhibited the Edible Map of Newcastle, alongside limited edition plates, and a series of seven-day artist led walks, as part of the…
A selection of images from various Edible Walks, including Hackney, Peterborough, Newcastle, Shieldfield, 2010 – 2019. Images, ©Mikey Tomkins, SAW, Julia Heslop, Sandra Keating
Still the video doumantary for Shieldfield Wheatfield.
The Urban Wheat Guardian, is one of two costumes and masks I have been making over 2020, the second is the Fish Spirit Catcher. The Urban Wheat Guardian…
Below is the full description of the Hackney edible walk from the RGS Website. I was interviewed by the RGS who transcribed and edited by commentary as shown…
These costumes below, as well as the wheat costume, were created to help explore questions around the cultural response to urban food production within my imaginary maps. For…
June 2019. As part of an exhibition at Shieldfield Art Works, Newcastle upon Tyne I exhibited the Edible Map of the Shieldfield as well as running a…
The Edible City of Peterborough, UK This Edible Map focuses on the centre of Peterborough, UK. In the 1960s the Cambridgeshire town of Peterborough was designated a New Town. It now…
Newcastle Journal 2015 Could Newcastle’s rooftops become an urban farm? By David Whetstone A new project in Newcastle is envisaging a future where food is produced on urban…
Guardian 2011 Edible Hackney More and more people are finding imaginative places for growing food in urban environments. Edward Platt reports. The Guardian article is here
YOU ARE HUNGRY: MAPPING AN EDIBLE URBAN HACKNEY was the first Edible Map and walk that I created. The walks ran in both 2010 and 2011 and were…
As part of the Discovering Britain series, The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) has published the Hackney Edible walk as a self-walk with audio guide and…
Flâneuring, Edible Mapping and Feeding Imaginations This paper discusses the edible map project and walks in Hackney, London, 2010-2011 Title of Paper: You Are Hungry: Flâneuring, Edible Mapping…