From 2004 – 2006 I under took a large quantitative mapping project in south London. The purpose of this research was to answer questions about land availability in three specific sites of London to determine how much land was available to grow food. This research largely responds to the misconception that urban spaces, particularly in large cities, do not have the space available to grow food. This research linked the primarily spatial data to secondary data on predicted yields relative to population densities. Such research is complicated by the fact that public space, beyond the municipal park, has an ambiguous function and is often under-recorded by local authorities.
The work has been published in UA magazine 22, 2009, and was the major primary data collected for my MSc degree at UEL. The data was processed using GIS software and involved comparing primary data collected from aerial maps and ground trotting against GIS data on the same areas held b y institutions such as the Mayor of London and local councils.

Shown below is a two page summary of the work as it appeared in UA magazine, number 22, 2009.

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