Co-authored report for the Lemon Tree Trust that details the work on UA and refugees.
From the introduction
“At Lemon Tree Trust, we believe that urban agriculture – the tangible manifestation of ecology, greening and cultivation – creates new and unrealised value to achieve dignity, empowerment and sovereignty for those living in under-resourced communities, such as refugee camps. A lemon tree serves not only as something physical to be nurtured but also functions as a symbol for agricultural solutions for displaced persons – trees and gardens provide beauty, shelter, food and economic security. At Lemon Tree Trust, we envision refugee camps where residents are engaged in the design of sustainable and innovative urban agricultural practices while ensuring yields that benefit all. This report details the vision, mission, strategies and tactics for how we will undertake this greening innovation in refugee camps. We invite you to join us in our effort to assist the globally displaced – one tree, one garden, one life at a time.”
Sincerely, Stephanie Hunt and Mikey Tomkins Co-Founders, Lemon Tree Trust